Speech event at the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
CROSSROADS “Photography and Journalism: Refugee crisis”
Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 19:00
The Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, under CROOSSROADS speeches cycle organizes on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, at 19:00, an event entitled “Photography and Journalism: Refugee crisis”.
At the event part of the work of George Moutafis will be displayed and will be discussed topics such as the relationship of photography with journalism, coverage of the refugee crisis in the media, humanitarian photography in the 21st century.
In the discussion will participate:
• Award-winning photojournalist George Moutafis, who for the last several years, has dedicated his work to the waves of immigration to Europe.
• The associate professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Media of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Gregory Paschalidis.
• The Director of TMP and curator, along with Penelope Petsini, of the exhibition “Another Life: Human streams / Unknown Odysseys” Hercules Papaioannou.
The discussion will be moderated by the Head of the TMP Press Office Maria Zampeti.
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
(Warehouse A, 1st floor, Port of Thessaloniki, tel .: 2310 566716)
Tuesday October 18, 19:00
Free entrance