After five months of success, the exhibition of the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography “Another life: Human flows / Unknown Odysseys”, due to the great interest of the audience, but also the increased number of visits of educational institutions and schools, is extended until the end of January 2017.
Alexandros Avramidis – Reuters / Petros Giannakouris – Associated Press / Louisa Gouliamaki – Agence France Presse / Yorgos Karahalis – Associated Press / Giorgos Katsagelos / Alexandros Katsis / Yannis Kolesidis – Εuropean Pressphoto Agency, Athens News Agency / Yannis Kontos – Polaris / Alkis Konstantinidis – Reuters / Giorgos Makkas – Panos Pictures / Aris Messinis – Agence France Presse / Sakis Mitrolidis – Agence France Presse / Dimitris Michalakis / Giorgos Moutafis / Yannis Behrakis – Reuters / Giannis Papanikos – Fos Photos, Associated Press / Antonis Pasvantis / Nikos Pilos – LAIF / Lefteris Pitarakis – Associated Press / Thanasis Stavrakis – Associated Press / Angelos Tzortzinis / Dimitris Tosidis – INTIME / Konstantinos Tsakalidis – SOOC / Kostas Tsironis / Milos Bicanski – Getty Images / Enri Canaj
Duration: 31/05-15/11/2016, Opening: 31/05/2016, 20:00
Location: Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki (Warehouse Α’, 1st floor, Port)
Curation: Hercules Papaioannou, Penelope Petsini