Two emerging photographers at the PhotoBiennale 2018


Giannis Manolis and Alexei Shiozov will participate in PhotoBiennale 2018 / 23rd International Photography Meeting with one-person exhibitions, opening in September 2018. The photographers were selected following the ThMP’s open call from among 277 submissions by photographers Yiorgos Depollas and Stratos Kalafatis and ThMP curator Thodoris Markoglou.
Giannis Manolis’ work, resulting from his exploration of contemporary Greek landscape, is a personal documentation of suburban society. Alexei Shiozov’s series, inspired by Tarot cards, re-stages the traditional imagery of this ancient system of guidance and divination.
The members of the committee and photographers Yiorgos Depollas and Stratos Kalafatis will work closely with each of the two selected photographers, in the development of their respective projects.
PhotoBiennale, which completes this thirty years of presence and is one of Europe’s oldest photographic festivals, is an important step in presenting modern and historical Greek photographic creation and a vital crossroads of its fermentation with the corresponding international scene.

*Photo: Giannis Manolis (left), Alexei Siozov (right)